The ride to the Las Cruces Biological station was long yet beautiful. Very beautiful. Just when you got out the city, and don't see building after building. We went through the mountain range and it was surprising. I didn't expect to see the habitat different than your average rainforest. Then we went on our way to the station. Once we got to the station, it's very stunning. I have yet to explore around and hopefully see a monkey. I have seen a toad once we got to dinner. I also met with my mentor and other mentee. We didn't get into much about the research project but got to know a bit more about each other. I can't wait to get started.
So when traveling, we had a few stops. First was a pit stop where we got some snacks for the road. I got this fruit which tasted like a plum and this wafer stick candy and got my first colones. Then we stopped at the mountain (forgot the name) but it was very cool. It was more like a desert rainforest. Like not really any giant leaves but the ground was still kind of moist. I also seen this plant that kind of looked like a sage plant. Unfortunately, I didn't smell it so I couldn't identify if it was a sage plant or not. After that it was back on the road. Now the scenery was very nice. And I was surprised to see houses within the mountains. I also got see my first hummingbird when eating lunch. Today was a good day. :')
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